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Umbraco 14 has been unveiled and it’s all about the backoffice, with some ‘deadwood’ being removed in a significant spring clean

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Umbraco 14: Time for a spring clean

Umbraco 14 has been unveiled and it’s all about the backoffice, with some ‘deadwood’ being removed in a significant spring clean

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Don’t keep all your eggs in one basket

Sometimes things can go wrong with your IT and your website but – do you have a plan if they do? As ever, it’s always sensible not to keep all your eggs in one basket…

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Why do all websites look similar?

Rather like a book or a car, most websites look quite similar, with the main features in the usual places. But why is this?

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AI – It’s life… but not as we know it

AI has infiltrated many aspects of our lives, often without us even knowing. Here we discuss some of the latest advances, particularly when it comes to marketing

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Umbraco 13: New kids on the Blocks

Here we look at the newly released Umbraco 13 which includes Blocks in the Rich Text Editor.

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Sitecore moves on from a ‘one size fits all’ approach

As it continues to win accolades for its personalisation technology, Sitecore has moved towards a more composable digital experience

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How green is your business?

Nowadays, every business has a responsibility to be as environmentally-friendly as possible but can that philosophy extend to your website as well?

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Getting the job done, part two: Why processes matter in marketing and sales

In the first part of our ‘Getting the job done series’ we looked at why implementing processes is beneficial for your website. In part two, we discuss why processes are important in marketing and sales as well

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Getting the job done, part one: Why processes matter for your website

As your venture grows, then the list of things you need your website to achieve for your business will also expand. But do you have the processes in place to facilitate that efficiently?

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A new horizon

How often do you have a conversation with somebody who directs you to their website saying, ‘please ignore what it looks like, we’re hoping to get a new one soon’? But, when is the right time to think about a new website?

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Finding the right partner

Here at Lake Solutions, we know that finding the right web agency for your project can be a minefield. There seem to be plenty out there but, like any relationship, not every one will be right for your business and, equally, you might not be the right client for them

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